Blessed Discomfort

by Elaine Hinshaw
Creative and Development Director


The plane landed smoothly at 5 am in Jakarta. I was so exhausted from my ten-day mission trip in Manado, Indonesia, that it took me a moment to gather myself and stumble off the plane for a five-hour layover, before the next flight to Taiwan. I was already thinking about what I would get for breakfast and wondered if I could get an old-fashioned American side salad. It’s funny the things you miss when you are away.


As I reached for my purse, a sudden bolt of cold ran through me. I’d left it under the seat in front of me, and with it, my passport and wallet. For a brief second, scenes from The Terminal ran through my mind. Would I become a girl without a country, stuck in an airport forever? But rather than panic, I have a Savior to rely on.


I whispered a prayer, “Lord, I need help.”


For the next hour, one step at a time, and with Google Translate by my side, God guided me through a maze of customer service offices and airport security personnel. Many miracles later, I met five grinning airline employees triumphantly holding my purse, passport, and wallet. We exchanged hugs, laughs, and photos without even speaking the same language. I met the best people that day. Watching God work on my behalf, despite my carelessness and in the face of my deeply uncomfortable anxiety, will always be one of my life’s greatest blessings.


I learned the power of grace, gratitude, and grit. I felt God smooth over the gaps in language and culture. I understood what it means to be human. And I’ve carried that experience with me in the years since. He is always with us.


When Lynelle walked into staff meeting just over a month ago, we knew the news was not good. She is one of the most optimistic, joyful people I know. However, this time, she was down. “We aren’t going to make it another month if something drastic doesn’t happen,” Lynelle said. “We know it’s been coming, and I know you have been working so hard to avoid it, but we are in God’s hands.”


At that moment, we whispered a prayer: “Lord, we need help.”


It was uncomfortable for all of us to come to you with this urgent need. It’s so much easier to ask for support in moments of strength. But again, God was by our side as we shared the ministry’s situation with you. Many miracles later, I’ve met the best people, who share how much BMT means to them. What better gift can we give than time spent with Jesus? And in the face of our anxiety about the future, despite our careful stewardship for thirty-three years, this experience has provided more blessings than we can count.


We learned how this ministry impacts on lives. We learned that you are committed to sharing what Jesus has done for you. We learned that this community cares for one another. We learned that BMT matters.


Best of all, we’ve experienced Psalm 55:22 firsthand: “Cast your cares on the LORD, and He will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Once again, the blessing of discomfort is how it reveals the incredible way God works. Thank you for answering His call. May God richly bless you always and even more abundantly in times of discomfort.