Facing a New Day

by Lowell Mann
Content Delivery Manager

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” —Hebrews 13:8

I hate change. Yep. I said that out loud. I like to know what I’m doing and do it well.


I don’t think I’m alone in that, either! When I joined Blue Mountain Television in 2004, there was only a hint of what was on the horizon for Media. While technological advancements always came along, the rapid explosion in new technology and, more significantly, the new way we would interact with media was a much slower and less dramatic process.


Change is also why I often ask myself, “Why did I choose a career that requires so much change when I don’t love change?” In the past twenty years, I’ve grown with BMT from a tiny space in Village Church to SonBridge to our facility on Wallula. In that time, there has been so much change at BMT! And that’s not going to change any time soon, either. As Greek philosopher Heraclitus said, “There is nothing permanent except change.”


Heraclitus was pretty smart, but one thing was left out of His equation. As James 1:17 reminds us: “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.”


That is precisely why I chose a career that requires me to face unending change. At the core of this ministry is something that will never change: Jesus. He never falters, never abandons, never changes. Revealing His character of love and faithfulness to our viewers by exploring the world around us—what a message to share and what an excellent career! As each day draws closer to completing the move of our broadcast equipment to Wallula, I am reminded that change is merciful.


It helps us grow and thrive, keeps us from getting stale and ineffective, requires us to be present and engaged, forces us out of our comfort zones, and teaches us that it is not our earthly surroundings but our heavenly father who is our anchor in the storm. When I come to work each day, I focus on what and how I can contribute to this beautiful region we call home. We are blessed with abundance. As we head into Independence Day celebrations, we can celebrate those gifts and the freedom to share Jesus daily.


We also know that this will become increasingly difficult as this sinful world winds down and Jesus prepares to return to take us home to Him and restore the world to what He intended at creation. Until then, we are BMT Watchkeepers tasked with preserving local, Christ-focused television for the next generation.


While the mission never changes, we must change to remain relevant, and that requires your continued support. Each gift you give ensures that station technology is updated promptly, our programs remain relevant, and our broadcast channels are stable. If it has been a while since you’ve donated, will you give a mid-year gift today?


I am excited to face the changes God is leading at Blue Mountain Broadcasting. It’s good change, and we can see its positive impact on our community! It is change I can not only live with but fully embrace. YOU are making a real difference in lives, one viewer at a time. Thank you for your support and praise God for His faithfulness.